What Does Gg Mean In Betting
- 1.Good game
- 2.Good grief
Handicap betting is common practice in points-based sports like football, rugby, basketball, and tennis, but is also frequently used in racing events, particularly horse racing. The main rule of Regulation GG stipulates that entities involved in online betting and wagering, whether they are businesses or individuals, cannot accept payments from third parties in connection with online gambling activities.
GG is commonly used in online gaming, such as chess or Starcraft to say 'good game.' It is often typed at the end of a match to congratulate the other player.
GG (usually typed 'gg') is considered a respectful way to end a match rather than simply surrendering. In some cases, 'gg wp' (good game, well played) might be used to show extra respect to the opponent.
In pro leagues, players often type gg and then immediately surrender. However, in lower leagues, the winning opponent is often given a chance to type 'gg' in response. Typing 'gg' and then still trying to win the game is considered bad eSports etiquette.
A player typing 'gg' before surrendering a match in StarCraft 2
GG displayed on the stage of a Dreamhack tournament
Related Slang
WP | Well played |
WW | Well won |
GJ | Good job |
GL | Good luck |
HF | Have fun |
GM | Good match |
gz | Congratulations |
BG | Bad game |
RTS | Real-time strategy |
FTW | For the win |
Ragequit | To angrily quit a game |
Last Updated: June 21, 2019
Expresses surprise and frustration; made popular by Charlie Brown.
What Does Gg Mean In Betting Odds
Related Slang
Whoa | Expression of surprise |
AYKM | Are you kidding me? |
AYS | Are you serious? |
FGS | For goodness sake |
Facepalm | To place your palm on your face in embarrassment |
HFC | Holy freaking crap |
OMG | Oh my gosh |